When we stepped outside it was STILL raining. Not only did that really peeve me due to the fact that I am BEYOND sick of the rain, but it worried me because we were supposed to take all of our wedding party pictures outside. But then again, this is Texas, so just because it's rained for over a week straight doesn't mean it will still be raining in four hours. Luke did really well at the bucks for breakfast- I packed him some yogurt, strawberries, and graham crackers and he stood in a chair to eat while I sipped my coffee. He also chit chatted with the man at the next table. I'm sure he appreciated that, considering he had a lap top and was obviously trying to get work done. Once I wrapped up breakfast, a fun 45 minutes later, we headed back to the room to hang out and wait for Mom and Dad to get there so I could doing wedding stuff childless.
I met up with the other girls at 11:30 and we got ready for pictures, which were at 1:30. I can't wait for Erin (the photographer) to post some of them on her blog. They are going to be AMAZING! It stopped raining and was the perfect temp. outside. Couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. We took some at a train station, some in a parking garage, and one on a neighborhood street. Intrigued? You should be. We finished up by 3, so we had a couple of hours to hang out and relax. What a great way to spend a wedding day! No crazy time crunches, just an easy day ending with a great party!
The actual wedding was beautiful. We had our fair share of hiccups (like the stage catching on fire), but everyone was so calm about them that it didn't seem like a big deal. And what's most important? Nick and Kendra got married! Here is me and my friend:
And here is the cutest guest in the whole church!
I had a hard time getting a whole length picture of him, every time his feet hit the ground he was off. I couldn't get him to be still for the life of me. Here's what he looked like when I tried to get him still:Hopefully Mom got some better shots on her camera.
1 comment:
You looked so beautiful. And, umm, the stage caught on fire? What?!
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