Thursday, March 25, 2010

Their Baaaaaack!

The Jehovah's Witness ladies came back today.  At first I didn't know who it was.  The boys were down for their naps, I was about to hop in the shower, and the dog starts barking.  Of course I start whispering threats to her that within an inch of her life to STOP BARKING, all while hiding from who ever was on the other side of the door.  Of course one of the boys woke up.

At first I was angry.  Any mom who had finally achieved peace and quiet only to have it cruelly and suprisingly taken away can identify with this one.  How dare they ring my door bell during nap time?!  Don't they know anything?!  I got myself so worked up I had half a mind to go after them. 

Then I heard them talking behind the door.  I heard one of them say "I guess she's not home.  Let's head back to the car."  Then I felt guilty.  These ladies, however misguided they are, truly feel like they are doing what God is calling them to do.  And there I was hiding out and refusing to answer the door.  Even though it's my door, my house, and I have the right to not answer the door if I don't want to.

Then they left, I got everyone back to sleep, and I finally get in the shower. 

Later this after noon I went to get the mail.

And I found this. 

I felt HORRIBLE.  It was the same sweet lady who helped me last time.  Yeah, I know she just wanted to convert me, because I'm not the 'right' kind of Jesus-lover, but still.  She was so nice.  So if anyone is interested in getting involved with the JW here in town, I think Gloria would gladly tell you all about it. 

I, however, will be attending my own church on Easter.  The church I attend every Sunday.  For the last 20 years.  Except while I was in college, living in another town.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

thats a problem I have had...but what a sweet your blog...

Lucy Marie said...

I think they are gonna keep coming back for more, my sweet. You should have thought twice before asking them to jimmy your door open. LOL.

Haley said...

The other day I turned down the Brothers from the LDS. The one started to give me his testimony while I was disheveled and desperately trying to keep the cat from escaping. I said "I'm very happy for you but my family is not interested." They actually looked forlorn! FORLORN! The Mormons have been doing some new training techniques at the MTC.

Haley said...

Ha ha. The JWs came by this morning inviting us to Jesus's death memorial service. Thought you'd giggle about that. Jon said he was shocked, didn't think they were supposed to be dressed all dapper and swanky.