Sunday, June 5, 2011

She's home!

I really meant to post last night, but we ended up having a rough go at things and I didn't make it to the computer.  Friday night was not fun, my milk started to come in and it was just as painful as I remembered.  I thought that this time would be different since I was actually going to use it, but nope.  Pain.  Full.  I ended up texting Shae at midnight to see if she was still awake and could give me some advice.  She was, but unfortunately there wasn't much she could tell me.  She even got up and pulled out her nursing books to make sure there wasn't anything else I could be doing.  I suffered through the night and by 7 I was up and at the hospital by 7:30 to feed Evan.  Unfortunately it didn't go very well because of my issues all night.  I also tried to squeeze some info out of the nurse about when my girl my be sprung, but she couldn't tell me anything. I didn't leave until 9, and they told me to be back up there at 10:30 for her next feeding.  So I ran home to shower, eat, and go back.

It was so hard to leave Luke both times I went up to the hospital.  Right before I left for the 10:30 feeding he was begging me to read him a book.  Then when he saw me getting ready he said "I get dwessed too!  I go wif you!"  Broke my heart to tell him he couldn't.  His little lip started quivering, and seeing him cry made me cry.  Then when he saw me crying he said "Momma so sad?" and kissed my tear.  Ug.  But I got out the door and up to the hospital.  When I got there I got the best news ever....she was coming home right then!  The nurse said our pediatrician had called in and just given verbal orders for her discharge.  As soon as I was done feeding her we were free to go.  Of course since I'd just been crying about my boy, I burst into tears for my girl.  Lovely.  Had more issues with feeding, but we got through it and were on our way.  Thankfully I had tossed her coming home outfit in the diaper bag (I was planning on having it with me every time I went up there, just in case!).  My idea had been to take Luke up there whenever she was ready to come home so that he could be a part of it, but I wasn't about to leave Evan a minute longer than I  had to.  If nothing else has gone right in this whole process, why should this?  It also meant that I didn't get the classic picture in the hospital upon departure, but I just took some when I got home. 

I am so glad that she was not to big for my  little dress!  It was so sweet and sentimental to see Evan come home in the dress that I came home in.  Oh, my precious girl.  When I walked in the door Luke was standing there waiting for me and he immediately said "It's Baby Ewan!  Ewan is here!"  It was so cute.  At one point when she was fussing he goes "Get de paci Mom.  Get de paci."  I didn't think he'd remember what a paci was for.  Ha!

The rest of the afternoon was all about adjustments.  Nursing went awful all day, which was so frustrating since we'd done so good while I was in the hospital.  I managed to work some magic and have Luke down for a nap right when it was time to feed her, so we took a good nap afterwards too.  Later in the evening Mom and Dad ran some dinner over for us, and then were on their way to watch Ashley run her first race!  She did her first 5K in 33 minutes- and she hadn't ran at all in the last 2 1/2 weeks!  Way to go Ashley!  Unfortunately as the evening wore on the nursing thing went even worse, and I ended up tearfully calling Sara to come help me.  It was also hard because Luke kept begging for attention, and I just wasn't able to give it to him.  I put him in the bath right before Sara came over, and he kept calling and calling for me.  "Mom!  Come sit on de potty!  Mom!  Come to Wuke's bafwoom!  Mom!  Come 'ere!"  I hated that I couldn't.  Sara was  such a help, very calm and reassuring, giving me tips and suggestions, and then even bathed my boy for me.  I have been so thankful not only for family that has been taking care of me, but my sweet friends that drop what they are doing and help when I call on them. 

Praise Jesus at the 2 AM feeding this morning things seemed to be getting better, and it's gotten better with each feeding.  At 5 she didn't eat as much, and by 6 was ready for some more.  After that apparently it was party time!  Baby girl did not want to go back to sleep, she was so alert.  Finally by 6:45 I gave up and brought her to bed and laid her on my chest.  We slept for a few minutes, and then Brother came in.  Lord have mercy  he's been getting up early lately.  He climbed into bed with us, and it was so sweet to lay there with my whole family.  Of course, being 2, it didn't last long and he was ready for "bru-fest" but I told him it was too early.  Much too early.  He went to play in the living room, but he didn't last long in there either before he was shouting at me to "Get up Mom!"  By 7:30 I did, and fixed him his breakfast and turned on some cartoons.  An hour later I decided to go ahead and get him dressed for bible class and have Mom come and get him on her way.  (It's why I'm able to be sitting here now!)  After sending him to church I fed my Evan then put her back down sound asleep, took a shower and have eaten my own breakfast with a nice cup of coffee.  Just trying to relish in this golden nugget of quiet.  Lord knows this won't happen again for awhile!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Ugh, I remember my milk coming in to be the worst pain of my life, so sorry you had to deal with that. So glad sweet Evan is home in your arms. She is just absolutely beautiful! I love that she wore your coming home dress.