Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day and First Day of Jr. K

This weekend was a long one. And not just because it was three days. Saturday morning we had tee ball practice at 9:00. The only bad part about it was that at 9 AM it was already in the upper 90's and climbing. Basically, we boiled. Also, Evan opened up the camera on my phone after I took a picture of the two of us, and I found nearly 100 selfies within a 2 minute time span.
After practice we ran to the store for Luke a new pair of cleats (he'd shockingly out grown his pair from the spring) and to Target for food. I don't think I've ever gone to Target as sweaty and stinky as I was. But, then we went home and spent the whole rest of the day there.
Sunday was church, and then Sunday night Luke had tee ball practice again. Mom and Dad didn't have small group on Sunday night, so Dad graciously offered to take him to practice for me. Afterwards we all met up for ice cream. Such a treat!
Monday dawned....rainy. Can you believe it? Luke had been begging for another bike adventure with Mom and Dad, and they'd made plans over ice cream to go yesterday morning. Of course.
One thing I learned on our rainy rainy morning was that I no longer am capable of entertaining two small children for hours on end. Especially small children who fight a lot while pregnant and already short on patience. There was lots of crying off and on. Mostly not because of me- they tend to play really rough with each other. We did play playdoh for a whole hour though. That was nice.

Luke was thoroughly impressed with my sculpture. When I asked him what he thought it was, he told me a turtle.

Okay then. I was going more for "cat" or something, but turtle it is.

I did manage to keep the tv off from 7 when they woke up to 4. I finally gave in and let them have pop corn and a movie. Peter Pan! And Luke loved it! After dinner Luke finally got to go on his bike ride. They didn't get to ride to the donut shop like originally planned (darn.), but at least he got to get out.
A big accomplishment was keeping this girl in panties! She went the entire morning without an accident. I put her in a pull up for nap, and some how she woke up dry. She did have a couple of small accidents in the afternoon, but nothing too terrible.

Yes, she's still wearing Luke's old undies. But actually, this works out for everyone. I don't have to stress about ruining new panties, and Luke finally gets 2T/3T undies moved out of his drawer (which actually still kinda fit him). Lets not get into the discussion that they can wear the same size underwear.
This morning was my boy's first day of Jr. Kindergarten!

"I'm gonna be a plane driver and a train driver." (what he went on to say and I couldn't fit was "..and a truck driver and maybe an army man. Probably not an army man. Just a plane driver. And train driver.")
Mom swung by on her way to school to get Evan and take her to Cindy's for me, but I did want a couple of picture with her before they left.

New back pack! And inside is his new lunch box! I think he was more thrilled with these two items than he was with actually going to school. We spent a couple of hours scouring the internet for the perfect lunch box. The day it arrived he opened it up and pointed to each corner, saying he wanted a sandwich, an apple, and a banana for his lunch.

"Mom, I have a real desk for my colors and pencils and zizzers!"

Here, I'm just about to leave. I'd already teared up. Oh, my baby. In that moment I don't think I could have been more grateful that he wasn't in a full on kindergarten class. I'm pretty sure I would not have been able to leave him in a class of 22 kids. My boy. On our way up to the school we talked about how Mrs. Steele was a very nice lady and I expected him to be respectful to her. He just sighed and said "I know Mom." As I got back into my car without him I wondered if I hugged him enough. Did I tell him how proud I was of him? That I loved  him? I'm sure if someone asked him he would huff and roll his eyes and again say "I know Mom." But I need him to know. I've got a great kid, and when all the other voices in the world tell him otherwise, I want him to remember.

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