Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween fun?

This morning I had the cutest little boy you have ever seen.  No really.  He wore a navy blazer with navy pants, a white shirt, and his navy bow tie to church and it was amazing.  No pictures, so you'll just have to believe me.  The kid wouldn't wake up for church, so finally I did it for him at 8:30.  Then he didn't want to eat breakfast.  I packed him a snack for the service and we headed out. 

He didn't want his snack during service.  He ate just a few goldfish and that was it.  I figured he would just eat a good lunch.  He didn't want lunch.  What is wrong with this child?!  I just laid him down for a nap thinking he would not sleep very long and wake up starved.  Wrong again.  It took him an hour to fall asleep, and when he got up he still wasn't hungry.  Good thing too, because we needed to get out the door to Trunk or Treat.  Nothing like barely eating all day and going out for candy!  Before we left, I managed to get a good picture out in the front yard.  I present......The Highway!

Meh.  Whatever.  His little face is cute enough to carry the costume.  We got to trunk or treat, quickly helped decorate the truck, then headed inside to play the games before it got crowded.  He did a little better this year than last.  He played them all except for the bean bag toss and the wiffle ball toss.  And he only cheated at two of the games- the putt putt (where he started out more like shuffle ball

and ended up just picking the ball up and dropping it in the hole)

-and football throw (once again he couldn't be stopped from just walking up to it)

Then it was time to work our shift at the trunk to pass out candy.  Luke was more interested in playing with the props.

After our 30 minutes shift I took him around to all the trunks to get candy.  He did okay at first.....

until he wanted to eat the candy half way through the process and let me know how he felt about my "not right now" reply

Which is about how he looked in the group photo of all the kids in our group.  Can you spot Luke?  Hint- look low.  He wasn't too happy about being there. (A bigger group than last year!)

Finally we went over to Mom and Dad's trunk, where they had a live pony.  Mom got a good picture of Luke and the pony, but some how I didn't.  Then I sat with their group while Dad took Luke in to get a hot dog.  He only ate half of it.  Seriously, what is wrong with him?!  I hope he's not getting sick.  After awhile I got a hot dog, then we came home to watch James Bond.  Doesn't everyone watch 007 with their 2 year old on Halloween night?

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

What is trunk or treat? I've seen it on some people's blogs but I really have no idea. I'm going to guess it's just where people all get together, decorate their vehicles and hand out candy from their trunks instead of their houses?