Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Great news!

Well, Luke's appointment at the developmental pediatrician was a huge success.  She has declared him NORMAL!  Even though he still has only a 1 to 3 word vocabulary ("yes" "this" "that" we think) he is normal in the areas of cognition, fine motor, and gross motor.  So if you would like to give thanks to the Lord for my son, you can join me.  I have been all day!  We won't go back to this doctor unless he really starts to slip again.  Hopefully this will be the last in a long line of specialists we've visited!

This afternoon the sun was finally out, so I took him outside to do some more airplane spotting.  Nothing like standing in the cold.

Then tonight I was changing the sheets on my bed.  I was putting the good flannel ones on and got all the way to the pillow cases when I noticed something missing.  MY pillowcase.  I put one on Cody's pillow, and I looked everywhere for the second one.  I mean, digging in the linen closet, checking under the bed, pulling off all the covers that I had just done.  Nothing.  I even walked around the house in case Mr. Hide-y Hole had run off with it.  Nothing.  Thirty minutes later I was cleaning up the living room and I tossed my Chick fil A cup from lunch that was full of melted ice (no DP of course, that was long gone silly!).  As it was arching in the air and hitting the trash square in the middle of the can I realized that the cream thing in there wasn't paper.  It was my pillow case.  Awesome. 

And finally tonight this happened.  Again.  And Cody was hanging out with his friend tonight so I was alone.  What did I do?  Snatched Luke out of the tub and plopped him on the potty in case there was more (there wasn't of course) and let the tub drain.  He accidentally fell in the pot.  Then I decided to clean the tub later and just turned on the shower to wash him off really fast.  Guess what?  He is beyond terrifed of the shower.  You would have thought that I was trying to murder him with spoons.  Is it bad that all I could do was laugh at him the whole time?

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

Rejoicing with you about the great news!

Sorry he pooped in the tub and fell in the toilet. Giggle. I have much to look forward to.