Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Turkey anyone?

When I say Turkey, I'm referring to Luke. 

This morning he got up unusually early.  Horray for me.  This also apparently meant that he wanted breakfast unusually early.  I was getting caught up on facebook statuses and new blog posts from over night, and I look over at Luke.

(do  you like the hair dryer on the fireplace he keeps pulling out to play with?  Or the spray bottle he took apart on the coffee table?  Or my knitting I'm doing on the couch?  Never a dull moment here.)

What?  What is he eating?  Where did he get that?  It was an apple.  How he knew it was okay to eat an apple like that, I'll never know, because I have never bitten into an apple infront of him.  I always cut it.  After realizing what it was, I try to figure out how he got it.

Hm.  That fruit bowl is always pushed back to the wall.  And then I realized that the apple he was eating wasn't washed since he stole it without my knowledge.  *shrug* Ohhhhhh weeeeeeell. By the end of the morning the little turkey had managed to gnaw about half of it off. 

Not bad for someone who normally doesn't eat the skin. 

Then tonight Luke and I went shopping before church at the mall.  I had it in my head that I wanted a new dress to wear for our (Cody and I)  date on Sunday night with Dillon and Autumn.  I also wanted something that I wouldn't normally pick out, step out of my comfort zone a little.  So I went in all the teen stores where they sell cheap clothes, and can I tell you how out of place I felt?  Here I was with stringy hair, big ole pea coat, diaper bag slung over one shoulder, pushing a stroller, while everyone else was under 20.  But I sucked it up and tried on a bunch of things.  Luke was so patient with me.  Unfortuntaly all the dresses were a bit shorter than I'm used to.  I left my short skirt days back in high school with my cheerleading days.  So I decided to get a pair of tights to wear under the dress.  Then that lead to the question of, where do you buy tights?

Oh ya'll.  You will never guess what I did.  I went up to a girl in the dressing room and said "I know that this is going to make me sound too old to be in this store, but I want some tights for this dress.  Where would I buy those?"  The girl looked at me like I was crazy and said I could get some at Wal Mart.  *sigh*  I wish I would have thought of that BEFORE I opened my mouth to a teenager and came across as some dowdy old lady. 

Then I had the problem of finding the tights that I wanted.  See, I bought a black and grey dress.  I have black heels to wear with it.  Now, I'm not death crazed, so I wanted a fun color of tight to go with the dress so it wouldn't be black on black on black.  I decided on....turquoise.  But guess what?  No one sells them.  No one.  Not any of the 6 stores I tried.  I finally bought a pair of *eek!* turquoise FISH NETS  at HOT TOPIC.  Yikes.  Not sure if they will ever see the light of day.  I even went in Journey's shoe store on a whim to see what they had, and the sales boy ended up trying to flirt with me and tell me I could go to Claire's and get some big turquoise jewelry to tie in with the fish nets, that boys really do notice that stuff.  Excuse me?  Apparently he didn't notice my CHILD sitting in the STROLLER I was pushing.  Who does that? 

Anyway, I'm home now, and preparing to hunker down for this huge snow/ice/cold whatever that is coming in the morning.  So if tomorrow's post only says "We sat on the couch all day" you will just have to excuse me and chalk it up to SAD (I really do think I'm affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder).

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

There are much worse things he could have been eating than an unwashed apple, don't you worry. Also, I'm surprised you couldn't find turquoise tights I've seen them a lot of places around here. I want to see the new dress!