Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The ZOO!

Yesterday morning the kids and I hung out at home, and then got busy in the afternoon.  I had wanted to go to the store for some groceries, but when I went to get Luke dressed I discovered a little snag.  His closet door was jammed shut.  I mean JAMMED.  I even had one foot on the wall to give me leverage as I yanked on the knob and did didn't budge.  I managed to figure out how to get the hinges off and it still wouldn't open.  Since every single pair of Luke's shoes were in there, we were stuck at home.  I was not about to be that trashy girl at Target with a three year old wearing no shoes.  Dad came over on his lunch break and was able to pull it open but by then it was too late to get out.  Luke "napped"  (no sleep again) and I got ready. 

I had a 4:30 dr appointment for my postpartum check up, and I dropped Luke off at Mom and Dad's before hand to spend the night.  After the appointment I dropped Evan off too (I wanted my fabulous doctor to see her) and then went to pick up my sweet Sarah.  She took me on a lady date!  We went to Sneaky Pete's and spent 2 hours eating and talking.  It was wonderful.  Afterwards I picked Evan back up and she and I had a girls night at home.

This morning I set the alarm to be at Mom's by 9, because we were headed to the ZOO!  It was hot hot hot, well over 100 degrees today, so we wanted to get there by the time it opened at 10.  We had such a great time!  On our way there Evan started to fuss, and so Ashley tried to hand Luke her paci to put in her mouth (I was driving).  Apparently he couldn't reach her, because all of the sudden he started shouting "Here Evan!  Here!  Take de paci!  Take it!"  Ashley and I started cracking up. 

We saw all the animals and he really seemed to enjoy them this time.  The fish, the reptile house, and the birds really caught his attention.  In the parakeet house a little girl gave him her feed sticks, and he had the BEST time feeding the birds.  He was just enthralled with them and I had to drag him out when it was time to go.  (We were there so long I even had time to sit and nurse Evan)  But the highlight of the day for Luke  was riding the train.  Dad had made the mistake of telling him this morning that we were going to get to ride the train at the zoo, so the entire ride, morning, and afternoon was filled with talk of the "train zoo".  When we got to the "depot" we were shocked that it was possibly closed for the day.  How in the world were we going to break that to Luke.  Praise Jesus, about 30 minutes later it was open.  We rode it up to the front of the zoo and we were done.  It was 2:00 and we were zooed out and tired of the heat, plus we wanted real food for lunch, not zoo food.  We left the park and went to Chili's, then it was home to shower.  I love how good it feels to get cleaned up after you've sweated buckets all day.  The only person who didn't sweat was Evan, because she had a little fan clipped to her stroller, keeping her cool as a cucumber.  Thoughtful Mom spent most of yesterday tracking down a fan, as there were none to be had in Lewisville or Flower Mound.  We finally found one in Plano.  But even though she didn't get sticky like the rest of us, she still got a bath too. 

Love her!

Tonight an old friend from high school and his wife brought me a dinner to pull out of the freezer when I need it.  Luke had just been playing in his underwear (which he kept clean and dry the entire zoo trip!) before they came over, so I just slapped a pair of boxers on over them since he hadn't had a bath yet.  Low and behold, as soon as they walked through the door he took them off.  Yep.  I tried and tried to tell him "we don't take off our clothes when we have guests" but he wouldn't put them back on.  He showed them all about his new train table in his little blue polar bear undies.  Awesome.

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