Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday at home. Mostly.

This week went smoothly enough.  Luke loved Cindy's house so much that every time I went to pick them up he threw a fit and didn't want to come home.  This week was also my last week of meals from my small group.  WHAT am I going to do?!   I have been so spoiled by my friends.  It was just lovely.

This morning I took the kids to the doughnut shop because we were out of milk.   I think people have gone for less.  Normally I just get Luke a half a dozen doughnut holes, but it's been awhile since we've been and now he's got an opinion.  He saw a star doughnut with sprinkles and there was no way I could talk him into the holes.  The star had to be his.

And just as I expected, this was all he ate of it.

He wanted me to buy him another one, but I told him he could eat all of the one he had or be done.  Tough luck bud.  After breakfast we went to the grocery store to stock up for the week, and then went home.  That's where the fun began. I started cleaning house and Luke finally got to play with his toys.  One thing about not being home during the week is how much he is ready to play with his favorites on the weekend.  While I was cleaning my room he brought in his bucket of favorite cars and used the stripe around the bedspread as a road.

Did you know that the black Porche is like Nana's car, the white soccer Bug is like my car, and the orange Corvette is like Joby's car?  Me either.  I posted that one on facebook and Joby commented that it meant I really was a soccer mom.  Great.   He also wanted me to "build a tunnel"  so I found a picture frame that he could drive cars underneath.  That wasn't good enough.  He decided to use the pillows on the bed.

Can you tell that's him buried in there?  After the first time he surfaced he commented  "It's dark in der Mom, it's dark in dat tun-nul."  What a kid. Soon enough it was nap time.  Evan was already asleep when he went down, so I was able to wrap up all of the rest of the cleaning, except for the vacuuming obviously.  Girlfriend woke up before the Dude did, so  I decided it was a good time for her bath.  Since I'd just cleaned  the tub, I climbed in with her.  After bath time she nursed for awhile and she passed right back out.

I don't think moms ever get tired of taking pictures of their babes sleeping.  Later this afternoon I got the big camera out to take some pictures of Evan in some special wares.  Taylor made her this awesome onesie a few weeks ago, and gave her the bow and shoes  way back when at my shower.  How cute is this girl?!

I know you can't see in this picture (but you can in the one at the top of the post), but the middle of the bow is black and white zebra with a pink embroidered E.  She knows I'm a sucker for monogramming.  The funny part was when Luke saw that I was taking her picture he ran off and the next thing I knew, this was happening.

Yep.  That's him taking her picture too, with my phone.  Oh my.  He actually got a pretty good one....

before they all turned into things like this. 

I think we can cross "budding photographer" off the list of possible career paths to send  him on, unless giant blurs come into popularity.  And sorry for all of the pictures.  It's what happens when I don't take any throughout the week and they all happen in one day.


Anonymous said...

What a precious picture of Evan laughing! I just want to squeeze those sweet little thighs!
~ Luke and Evan's Nana~

Haley said...

Loving Luke's new haircut. When did he become a boy and not a baby? Also, the pic he took has a very mod-camera feel so maybe he is a little photog in training.