I tried really hard to get Luke involved with this one since it was on a timer. But I couldn't get him out of the shot.
But I finally was able to convince him to get with the program. Doesn't the belly look so different covered as opposed to uncovered? I included the covered one because Mom told me last week that some people cringe a little at my weekly bare belly. If you know me, you know I'm not the most modest person around town. Deal.
How Far Along: 34 weeks- 42 days left. That's 6 weeks folks! Yikes!
Size of baby: the weight of a cantaloupee.....4 3/4lbs and almost 18 inches long
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, according to the doctor on Friday, I'm up 28 lbs total. And I still have 6 weeks left. So yes, it looks like I will at least match Luke's 37 lbs that I put on. Joy.
Maternity Clothes: How could someone put on almost 30 pounds and not need maternity clothes?!
Gender: I'm having me a baby girl! Evan Elaine Carver will be here at the beginning of the summer!
Movement: Still the same. She still loves the right side of me. I've never felt her near my left ribs or on my left hip, it's always been the right side. And she greatly prefers me to lay on my right side. When I roll over onto my left she starts thrashing around in there for a long time. Maybe I some how lay farther onto my belly when I lay on my left than on my right, but whatever the reason she lets me know that she's aware of the change in position.
Sleep: Blah. If there is a reason I'm ready to not be pregnant any more, it would be this one.
What I miss: Looking like this. Or this. I'm wondering if I ever will again.
Cravings: Nah. Not really.
Symptoms: Nothing new this week. Still the popping, the pain in my hips and knees when I walk. Exhaustion (I may or may not take a two hour nap every day). Feeling like a giant hippo.
Best Moment this week: Well, last night was a pretty good moment. Hearing that my blood pressure and everything looked good at my appointment on Friday. It's nice to know that although things have not been great around here, and I've felt the stress (hence the naps), that my body seems to be handling it along with the pregnancy okay.
You absolutely will look like your skinny self again!! Won't take long at all!! You do look precious with that baby belly tho. :) Ahhhh, sweet memories of thunderstorms at night!
~Luke and Evan's Nana~
The thunderstorm story almost made me cry. That's so sweet.I'm glad you're a sweet mama that lets him cuddle up in bed with you. Precious.
Also - you WILL get skinny again. And I'll hate you for it. Because you were wearing a BIKINI in one ofthose photos ...with LUKE. Which means, you wore a bikini AFTER having a baby - something which I willnever ever be able to do.
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