Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lots of adult conversation

Now that I think about the title of this post, I could probably come up with something less suggestive, but I'm too tired.  So get your mind out of the gutter. 

Today I was actually around mulitple adults, and therefor had mulitple conversations that didn't revolve around owies and boo boos and yogurt and toys.  My good friend Niki came over again for most of the day, and it is so nice just to have another grown up hanging around the house.  At some points during the day we were just sitting there watching our kids, without talking, but it was the good kind of comfortable silence.  I'm so glad that I have a friend that is close enough that we don't feel like we need to fill every down time with random words.  But don't get me wrong, we had good indepth coversation too.  Plus she let me try and teach her to knit.  Yay for more knitters in the world!

Then when she left our new ECI case worker came out.  I like her!  And it turns out she graduated from the same high school I did, only three years before me.  Fun!  Then Cody got home, we ate the pot roast I'd been crock potting all day, then we went out with his friends for drinks and sushi.  See how many adults I got to be around today?  The only time I was alone with the babies was from 7:30-10:30 this morning, and in that time I got a shower, all of the ironing done from yesterday's cleaning extravaganza, pumpkin bread made, the roast on to cook, and Luke fed and dressed.  

Good  day folks.  Good day.  (oh, and I tried to get the funniest picture to add, but the battery wasn't in the camera and the moment passed before I found it and got it in.  Luke had taken all of his toys out of his crate and pushed it in front of the tv and sat in it for a new chair.  Apparently the Pottery Barn one has lost it's charm.  Maybe he'll try it again tomorrow.)


Lucy Marie said...

Sounds like a good day for you. I'm happy to hear it.

Rachel said...

YAY for adult time!! How is Luke doing these days with ECI? Is he doing speech therapy or occupational therapy?