Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pants are a must

So this morning I've realized that Luke needs to wear something over his diaper or this will happen. 

Boo.  This means more laundry.

This afternoon I took Luke up to the doctor for a quick check on why he hasn't been feeling so great the last few days.  Turns out he's getting over his first cold.  Of all the illness that boy has indured, this is the first time it's been an actual cold.  Amazing huh?  When we got home the child just could not handle being indoors any longer, and we spent an hour walking up and down the sidewalk and around the block.  Good thing it was another beautiful day in the 70's!  I swear we pointed at, named, and waved hello/goodbye to every airplane that flew over head.  Did you know we are kind of under a major air highway into DFW?  I didn't realize this, but there is one flying over head  every 4 minutes at various times of the day.  Oh!  And did you catch that?  He's finally waving goodbye!  I know that it may seem like a little thing, but when most kids start waving bye bye at 10 or 11 months and your kid doesn't, we celebrate it!  It only took him until 18 months!  ;)

Then tonight at bathtime I got a some progressive pictures of his new favorite game. 

I like to call it the "I'm helping the tub fill up and sometimes splashing me" game.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of him in his camo hat! So precious!

Lucy Marie said...

Cute pictures! Yay for waving! Boo for having to wear pants! :)