Friday, September 24, 2010

Ladies' Retreat

Well, in about an hour I'm headed out for an over night ladies retreat with the church.  Am I going to miss my sweet sweet boy?  Yes.  The screaming that he's currently doing because I won't let him unpack my bag (which he "helped" me pack by adding A shoe, some hair brushes, a water bottle, and used Kleenex)?  Not so much.  I guess I'll miss Cody too.  ;)

Speaking of, last night I gently reminded him that I would be leaving today.  I asked him if he wanted me to leave him a note containing all the important stuff- what Luke eats, when he sleeps, etc.  Cody said  "Nah, he's a kid.  I'll figure it out."  And you know what?  I haven't.  Eek! 

p.s.-  My friend Lindsay finally had her baby Evalyn, and she's posted the first part of Eva's arrival story!

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

I hope you have a wonderful, refreshing, and uplifting time away. Thinking of you lots. Love you. We must talk soon.