Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Beast

Yesterday my darling son gave me a present.  He slept yesterday morning until 9!  Unfortunately my hips would only allow me to stay in bed until 8:30, but was luxurious just know it was my choice to get up, not the little voice beside me going "feed me! feed me!"  I got up, jumped in the shower, and was actually almost ready for the day before he got up.  Very nice.  After we were both dressed we went over to Mom and Dad's.  Mom had some errands to do, and I decided to tag along since my day was completely empty.  Plus I secretly hoped I might walk a baby out of me.  When we got there I asked Luke if he wanted to stay with Papa or go shopping with Nana and Mom.  Do I even have to tell you what he said?  After he said "stay wif Papa" faster than I was comfortable with, I asked him again "don't you wanna go with Mom?"  I got the look and a no.  Fine.  Whatever.  Mom and I went shopping and Dad googled a train store for them to hit up (which just happen to be close to an electronic store Dad wanted to go to....hmmmmmmmm)  I guess Luke picked the better choice.  We didn't get back to the house for a nap until 2:30, and the boy slept until 4:00.  Not bad!  We played, we had some dinner, watched a movie, we got ready for bed.

That's when the trouble started.  He couldn't fall asleep.  I put him down at 8:30 and at 10:30 he was still awake.  I was about to get in bed, so I went in and laid down with him for a few minutes then got into bed myself.  About 11:30 I heard him crying and when I went in there he said "*sniff sniff* I go bed wif Momma."  Okay!  I scooped him up and we headed to bed.   He was so restless that I wondered if he would fall asleep.  Finally he did, but only for about 15 minutes.  Then he started fussing again and said he wanted to go back to Wuke's bed.  Sure babe.  Whatever.  I  took him back in his bed, and turned into mine.  I wasn't in bed for 5 minutes when he started fussing again.  I went in to his room, and I ended up reading him a story, then went back to bed.  5 minutes later he was fussing.  AGAIN.  I got him a drink of water.  He wanted it, but it didn't do the trick.  Finally at 12:45 I decided we needed a reset button.  I took him into the living room and gave him a breathing treatment, got him a snack of a piece of bread (nothing too fancy in case his tummy was what was all the trouble), and we watched the Handy Manny I had on the DVR.  By the time that was all said and done, it was 1:30 and I thought we should try bed again.  I put him down, but lest I jinx it by getting in bed myself, I went and ate some cereal while I waited to see if he would sleep or fuss.  Thankfully he went to sleep.  I climbed in bed a little after 2, exhausted.  Once again, this would have been a nice time to have a partner to switch off with.  But at least Ashley was working so we were able to text while I was up.  I had also decided to let Luke dictate whether we would be at church this morning.  If he was up, we'd go.  If he slept, we slept.  He was up at 7:30.

Enter The Beast.  While yes, he was awake, and yes, it could have been worse, Luke was definitely not himself.  He didn't want to do anything.  In church he was as restless as....hmmmm, about to say something inappropriate.  I was hoping for a nice long nap this afternoon, but it was just his typical 2 hours. The plus is that he should sleep really well tonight.  We did go to small groups this evening.   I put some clothes on him, and after I got him dressed he saw his ties hanging on the wall.and decided he wanted to wear one.  "Like Daddy" he  said. And he insisted on the green one.  With purple stripes.

I didn't fight it because I knew that he wouldn't wear it for very long.  And sure enough, we walked through the door of the family that hosted, I asked him if he still wanted to wear it, and he said "No, take it off."   Whew.   It was killing me.

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