Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Feed the ducks!

This morning Luke and I met up with our friends Shae and Dakota to walk from their house down to a pond to feed the ducks, then to the playground to play. Did you catch that? I took Luke out on a walk! Shocking, I know. I felt guilty that I've spent the last few days hard core crafting (I'll post pictures in the next couple of days), and not spending the time with Baby that I probably should. So out we went! And not only did I take the camera, I actually used it! Since this was our first foray into duck feeding, Luke wasn't to sure of himself. In fact, when I set him down he planted his feet and wouldn't walk anywhere.
So mostly I fed the ducks and Luke watched. Dakota had a great time though!
When we got to the park Luke LOVED the swings. He laughed and giggled the whole time.
Then Shae and I tried to get the boys in a photo together, but Dakota just wouldn't have it. Look at how pitiful he is!
Also tonight I tried spaghetti again, only this time I used spiral noodles instead of spaghetti noodles. Success! He actually ate something for dinner, as opposed to last night, when he only ate half a banana. Kids.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Paints said...

What a cutie pie. Love that last pic. I could just kiss on those messy cheeks;)