Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Turkeyday!


We went to the park and I did 5 loads of laundry as predicted.  Lots of waiting for Niki to pop....


Riley finally arrived!  I got to go see her Wednesday  morning and spend some time with Niki.  What an exciting time!  We also went out of town with the family Wednesday night to my grandmother's.....I didn't put this hat on him, after I got him dressed he pointed up to the hat and when I handed it to him, he put it (okay, tried to put it)  on his head.  That's my boy!

Thursday:  (today)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  There are so many things that I am thankful for.  I am thankful for my Savior who loves me and blesses me in ways that I never dreamed possible.  I am thankful for my husband and that we are still together after everything we have  gone through.  I am thankful for my son, who is the delight of my life.  I am thankful for my family who would do anything I could ever need for me.  We are at my grandmother, who thankfully has been released from the hospital for a couple of days to spend with us.  True to form, I have not gotten as many pictures as I  had planned, but I did get a few while he played outside.  This kid LOVES to just run up  and down the sidewalk outside!  Thankfully it's been absolutely gorgeous outside and we have been able to spend a lot of time out there.  So much time that he came in smelling like outside, so I covered up his head with a bib and fabreezed his clothes.  It really helped! 

Man did we FEAST today!  There were 6 different desserts to choose from....I don't think I will have "fat pants" much longer, I'll have regular pants and "I used to be skinny" pants.  Mmmm mmm.  We'll have left overs for dinner and I'm looking forward to all the food just as much the second time around as I was the first.

The garage door was up so Mom, Luke, and I went snooping...there was some interesting stuff in there.

I tried once more to get a picture with my boy, but once more he couldn't be bothered.  Do you see the ever present coffee cup?  I believe that was my third cup.  Nothing goes better with all of those desserts than mulitple cups of coffee! 

We'll be headed back home tonight.  Cody's a big believer in sleeping one's own bed, so that will require us to leave before bed time.

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

I hope you had a great time. I love the picture of him with the hat on. So cute!