Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All about ME!

That was the theme of today.  Mostly.  This morning we were supposed to have our first play date at the park, and what did it decide to do last night?  Rain.  And get cold.  So I sent out an emergency email and had the girls bring everyone over here.  It worked out great!  I needed to get some stuff done around the house, so that kicked me into high gear, and then I didn't have to think about it all afternoon!  I had a great time visiting and the kids played well together.  Lots of sharing toys, shrieks, and snacks. 

Then I put Luke down for a nap and Mom and Dad came over to babysit, because Momma had some appointments.  At 2 I got a pedicure at this new place that was amazing.  All the fancy treatments for only $25.  Does it get any better? Oh wait.  It does. 

Aftewards I went to Target for a few things we needed, and a few things we didn't need.  Like me a new dress.  I tried on a few, and luckily they didn't fit right (whew, then I didn't have to choose which one I wanted or feel dissapointed about not getting it) so it made the one I purchased all the more better.  While I was there, these two teenage girls wearing mismatched clothing, tiara's, and sharing an ipod were marching around the store singing at the tops of their lungs.  Seriously?  It just made me so glad to not be a teenager.  Not to feel like singing in Target was the only way to get attention.  Not to giggle idiotically while doing something stupid and thinking "I'm so cool."  Ugg.  I pity them.  But, we've all done ridiculous things in the name of adolescence, and so I'm just chalking it up to that.

Also as I was perusing the isles of dear old Target, I came to the purses.  I'm not sure how I feel about purses for myself.  As Luke is getting older we are needing the diaper bag less and less.  And as I looked at these beautiful, colorful, LARGE purses, I couldn't help but wonder, are purses really just adult diaper bags?  And now that I'm finally able to give it up, am I really able to move on to something that only looks grown up on the outside yet inside would function about the same?  I don't know.  The female in me that loves cute things, accessories, and all things girly screams yes, you need a purse!  But the practical realist in me knows how much I hate to carry things around and I find purses to be annoying.  Plus I'd rather spend the $30 on something else, like another dress or shirt.  I guess I'll hold off on the purses a little while longer. A bonus of not having a purse?  When someone asks you "Hey, do you have a/any _______?" the answer is always no.

Then I went to get my hair cut.  Can you believe it's been A YEAR since I've had a hair cut?   I know, I know.  I just never got around to it, I don't really care about it, and I hated to spend money on it.  So that adds up to only getting an anual haircut.  And today was the day.  But it really went in with the theme of pampering, because the lady washed and rubbed my head, gave me a haircut that I love, and then styled it in a way that I don't mind having for the rest of the day.  Have you ever gotten a hair cut and then had to come home and redo the style because what the lady did is not EVER how you would go out in public?  I have.  Whether it's too much product, too much volume, or too curly, I've had to come home and wash it and fix it again.  Not this time.  I love it!   And what's more, Cody loves it!  He came in and IMMEDIATELY noticed, even though I didn't get much cut off.  And then he told me I looked super hot.  :)  Oh yeah. 

So tonight he took me out to dinner.  Luke was still with Nana and Papa from his afternoon of fun.  I wore my new dress, my new hair, and my new toe nail polish to the Yellow Rose Steakhouse.  If you live around here DON'T go there.  The food was waaaaaaaaaaaay over priced, dry, and the service was horrible.  Horrible.  I'm still waiting for more bread.  But at least I got to spend the evening with my man, and looked cute doing it.

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

So so so glad that your day was great and you got to do all of that stuff on your own. Where's the picture of your new haircut and your new dress?!