Saturday, March 6, 2010

Soooooo not the same

This afternoon the preschool at our church had their annual fundraising auction.  Mom and Dad and Ashley took Luke up there for a little while and I did some errands in the mean time kid free before meeting up with them.  Did you hear that?  KID FREE. 

That meant lunch.  KID FREE.  Any mom will tell you this is a magical thing.  I love my husband.  I love my son.  But sometimes a girl just needs to be ALONE.  Not on a date.  Not on mom duty.  Alone. 

So with this wonderful chance I took myself to Which Wich, and it came with a highly dissapointing suprise.  They didn't have Dr. Pepper.  They had........*GAAAAAAAASP* Mr. Pibb.  Uggggggggg, is there anything worse than that?  Where are we, England?  I couldn't believe that there was a food establishment in Texas that did not serve Dr. Pepper.  It's like saying, "Hey I know that you ordered Sprite, but here is some water.  It's the same since they're both clear, right?" 

Oh, so not right. 

But I suffered through the beverage for my rather taste sandwich.

Then I spent the entire rest of the day cleaning.  Remember how I said I need something highly motivating to get me to clean?  Well, small groups is at my house tomorrow night, and people keep emailing me saying they can come.  We have a, and so far we've got 20 adults and 10 kids coming, and I haven't even heard from everyone.  No need to sit down when you're standing shoulder to shoulder.

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

What is Mr Pibb? I've never even heard of that. Is it like no name Dr P? We have Dr Zip here ... maybe it's comparable. Sorry to hear your alone time lunch wasn't so great but have a blast at small group tonight. The more the merrier :)