Sunday, June 27, 2010

No you may not eat that.

This morning started out like many Sunday  mornings.  Luke woke up too early.  I took a shower.  We got all fancied up.  I actually got us ready for bible class a little early because I wanted to take Luke to get donuts first.  I wore my little black dress, and right before we walked out the door I noticed a thread hanging from my dress so I pop into the computer room to snip it as we walked out the door.  Literally walking out the door.

And that's when I saw it. 

Apparently while I was in the shower Luke got into the computer room and somehow found Cody's pack of lead BB pellets.  Real lead.  Pellets.  And they were completely strewn across the desk and keyboard. 

At first I just thought, "Oh great, a mess to clean up when I get home.", as we walked out the door and got in the car.  Then when I was in Starbucks getting a very rare treat I got to thinking more.  What if he ate some?  What if they got lodged in his abdomen?  Could he get lead poisoning?  What would the health risks be? 

The longer time went on the more sick I began to feel about the whole thing.  What do I do? 

I called Ashley, the official RN.  She's gonna be so sorry she has that degree.  I asked her if I should go get his stomach x-rayed, and she agreed.  No bible class, no donuts, just an x-ray.  Sooooo.....I went down the street to an emergency clinic, walk in the door and ask them if they have an x-ray machine.  The lady says they can do x-rays, but they can't do casts.  What?  No lady.  I tell her why I'm there and she tells me to hold on.  She has to go back to ask the dr if it was okay or something, because this was something new.  No one had ever come into that clinic worried about a swallowed lead pellet.  It's always nice to be the first.

Long story short, Luke got the x-ray and there was no lead.  Praise Jesus!  He also got in severe trouble for horrific behavior in the waiting room.  We headed to church an hour and a half after we had originally planned to be there and fulfilled my nursery-duty obligations.  Well, what was left of it.  After church Luke put on another real show of banshee-like scream.  Don't ask me why.  And funny enough, when I offered a free two year old boy to a good home, no one took the bait.  They just laughed at me.

Luckily the day turned around from there.  Luke and I hit the lunch scene with Ashley, Dad, and three families of my close friends.  Then there was only time to do a mad dash home to put Luke down for a much needed nap before I left again for a baby shower.  After the baby shower I had an hour to get home and get ready for small groups tonight.  The Zooks hosted tonight.  Well, their pool was the main host.  We all had a great time swimming, eating, and fellowshipping.  Which was much needed after that crazy morning.

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