Tuesday, January 11, 2011

19 Weeks and it's COLD

First of all, look at what my sister bought for Evan on her trip to Nashville this weekend.

Her first hair bow!   Oh my.  The tag says 3-6 months, so we're guessing it's supposed to be a shirt, but can't you just see this a little earlier as a dress with white eyelet bloomers embroidered with her name in navy?  (Nana?  Did you catch that? Ha!)  Anyway, I was also thrilled that my Hawthorne Threads package came yesterday.

My first batch of fabrics to make her some goodies!  I'm LOVING the yellow rose one, it's my favorite, and the one I was thinking about making the nursing cover out of.  But is it too light?  Would the darker brown be better suited for something of that nature?  I mean, I'm not Jesus or anything so I don't emit light, and I'm thinking that's about the only way you'd really be able to see through it, but still......Sara?  Thoughts on that?  Plus I'd really like to make her a dress out of it too, and I'm wondering if it would be weird to have her match her cover.  Eh.  We'll see.

On a totally different note, it's friggen cold here people!  I mentioned Sunday that it snowed a whole bunch, and it was still on the ground for most of today.  Yesterday it tried to flurry a little bit more, but that lasted 5 minutes and was just cloudy the rest of the day.  The sun was out today so the snow on the roof finally melted.  But the ground was still frozen which meant ice ice ice.  I'm not sure our faucet was supposed to look like this.

And inside the bushes were all decorated from the water dripping off the eaves.

But the winner of the "Most Trashy Award" goes to the back porch.

See, several months ago I got tired of Luke's room smelling like poo, so I got rid of his Diaper Champ in favor of a Walmart bag outside of the back door.  Classy, not so much, but it sure did get rid of the smell.  Well, by trash day (like today) the bag is usually hit or miss with most of the diapers, and I just gather them up and take them to the can in the ally.  TODAY they just happened to be where the water was dripping off the roof but the concrete was still frigid, freezing them fast.  I was able to pry most of them up, except for that fellow, he was stuck something good.  It's a good thing we don't live up north where the thing might have to be frozen there for the next two months.  I'm sure the morning's sun will remedy the problem.  If not, oh well.  No one comes over to look out my back door anyway.  (and FYI, the brown clumps in the picture are clumps of potting soil Luke dumped out of my pots before breaking them.  Or while he was breaking them.  Either way the pots are gone but the dirt is not.)

Now on to the good stuff.  I'm a day late because my dearly beloved (and photographer) seems to have come down with a version of my head cold.  Yesterday on his lunch break he bought some cold medicine, took the night time version an hour before he left for the day, barely made it home, and was zonked out by 6 PM.  I didn't have the heart to wake him just for a quick picture, and it seemed cruel to turn on the lights so I could try and do it myself with the timer.  So here we are today.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Size of baby: an heirloom tomato.  Apparently that's a lot bigger than a regular tomato? 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, on Thursday I was up the 7 lbs.  But I'm thinking that for being a week shy of half way through, 7 lbs ain't that bad.  My tummy is definitely growing too.  I've officially lost all of my rolls when I sit down (the first one disappeared FAST, I just kept forgetting to mention it) and also when I am sitting, things touch that didn't used to.  It's very odd to have skin to skin contact in places you're not used to.

Maternity Clothes: Yes and yes.  I tried on three different sweaters tonight for running to the store in, and it was just pathetic.  Yes, I had to run to the store at 8:30 after Luke went to bed since I STILL don't have my car.  I'm getting highly annoyed that I'M the one paying for HIS procrastination about getting his stupid brakes done.

Gender: Everyone was right, it's a girl!  Evan Elaine Carver will be here before we know it!

Movement: Oh yes, she has become quite the little squirmy worm.  Especially in these pants.  The band goes below my belly and when I sit down she lets me know that she doesn't like it there.

Sleep: It's been hard to tell with the sickness, but I'm thinking okay.  There for a few nights I was really afraid the hip pain had already set in, but that seems to have gone with the fever.  I know it will be back, but I'd like to hold out as long as I can!

What I miss: Nothing

Cravings: Nothing. Okay, maybe milkshakes, which is crazy since it's in the 20's here.

Symptoms: Not a one!  Not even any tightness in my belly, which had been happening off and on.  Unless she's moving I don't feel pregnant at all.

Best Moment this week: Finding out that all is well with my baby girl and we are right on track, and being able to give this little person an identity!

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

I love that shirt/dress your sis bought her. So cute. I'm having a hard time finding stuff for Eva for the spring/summer. She only has ONE dress in 9 month size and it seems every time I go shopping, everything in 9 months is sold out! bOOOOO.

I do not think it will be weird for her to have a dress that matches her cover. Not at all.

And I love your tummy. I want to rub it. In a completely platonic way, of course.