Saturday, January 29, 2011

Curtains and a beautiful day

The last few days have been absolutely gorgeous around here.  Today the temperature hovered around 75.  Perfect.  But we'll get to that in a minute. 

Yesterday Evan's curtains came it!  I managed to find some cheap curtains online at Walmart, I got both panels for $30 (they are lavender gingham).  After a couple of rounds through the sewing machine to add some green ribbon and coordinating room fabric.....

Voila!  Perfectly matching curtains that I'm loving!  It makes the room seem just that much closer to being finished, although I've still got a ways to go.  The only blue left in the room is the cushion in the rocking chair (which is  kind of a bummer, I was really excited about using blue for a girl), and I'm not sure what to do about that.  Hopefully I'll be able to find a green something to go?  The room is turning out very sweet and serene, although if I had been able to start from scratch, it is definitely not what I would have picked for her.  I totally would have gone more in this direction.

Or this.

Or this. 

But that's neither here nor there, and it's been fun making everything just for her as opposed to buying it.

This morning was another early one in the Carver house.  No matter what I try and do, I just can't get that boy to sleep in later that 7:15.  This morning by 7:40 I heard him dragging a chair across the kitchen, and I knew he was trying to make himself breakfast, so my eyes popped open and I called out to him "I'm up! I'm up!" No rest for the weary when small children are under foot.  After breakfast I got my camera out to play with it.  See, Dad just got one too last week (only the step above mine, of course) and he actually read the manual.  Then he told me what the manual said.  And now I can do a few more fancy things than I could before.  But not without a million test shots.  Seriously.  A million.  As I mentioned last week (or the week before), I've found the best way to get a good picture of Luke is to turn on the timer so the light comes on the front of the camera.  In an effort to get a good (decent) picture of him while trying out new settings I turned the timer on.

See?  He loves it.  But after a while I got tired of waiting for the timer each time, so I turned it off.  I didn't tell him, and at first he was a little confused.

Where did it go?  Finally he just went back to playing with the little box of toys he had dumped out everywhere.

Some of the pictures turned out too bright, some turned out too dark, and a very few were just right.  The only problem is, I don't exactly know how I got the just right ones just right.  

Eventually I got him to play in the back  yard, and then it was lunch time and nap time.  After nap time the two of us took a walk around the block, then up to the school that is two streets away to play on the play ground.  That boy should sleep good tonight!  Eventually I got hungry and I've been craving pancakes (something I craved with Luke's pregnancy too) so I took my boy to Cracker Barrel for dinner and we split an order of blueberry pancakes.  We both drank our milk like champs, and he downed most of the sausage patties that came with the meal.  I kept waiting for the pepper-y-ness of the sausage to catch up with him, but it never did.  Then, because I wasn't quite ready to come home yet, we popped over to Babies R Us so I could scope out some ideas of what I might put on my registry.  Sara has said she would go with me since I'm using her pump, and she can show me the accessories I'll need to go with it, but I wanted to see what else I thought I might need.  Eh, we'll see how it turns out.  I've still got awhile.  Luke was very patient with me as I looked, so I rewarded him with a giant box of diapers.  Okay, really we were totally out and he would have had to switch to big boy undies tonight if we didn't get some.  Shhh.


Tara Branch said...

Evan's room is coming along so beautifully! You are so creative with your added touches and I am very impressed at all that you are doing on your own. Where did you get those other room pictures? I LOVE the green, black, and white one!!! Hmmm...if only I can get pregnant faster so that I can dream up cute rooms too! :)

Sarah Smith said...

Looooooooooooooove the curtains!

Lucy Marie said...

The curtains are gorgeous. Love them!